Inspiration Wednesday

Hello everyone! Happy hump day, and I hope the start of your week is going great 🙂 today is inspiration Wednesday, but I’m going to do something a little different. Instead of showing you designs that inspire me, I’m going to share with you a piece of furniture that I made, which was inspired by trees.


The furniture piece that I decided to do was a coffee table. The material that I used was simply cardboard, and nothing else.
My concept was to do a furniture piece and make it the most natural way possible. So I thought of trees. Cardboard came from trees, and I looked up some ways trees were used in it’s natural state for furniture.
This is what I found:


I liked the way the stump was used, and I liked the branch look for the stump so I wanted to recreate that with the cardboard. Then I had to figure out the table top. I didn’t want to have a regular square, rectangle, or circle, so I decided to do more of an avocado shape for the table top.
After countless hours of cutting and measuring, here is the final product:


Let me know what you think, and have a wonderful day 🙂


Tips and Tricks Tuesday

Hello everyone, today’s tip has to do with couches. Now if you’re living in a smaller 1 bedroom apartment like I am, there isn’t room for an extra bed for guests. The key is to find a great couch that can act as a bed and a couch.
Here are some sofas from Mobler Furniture that I do just that:

Luna Queen Sofabed


Space Sofa Sleeper


Birket Sofa

The arms can move up and down on this couch!

Orion Sofa Sleeper


There are many different styles of sofas you can choose from. I got my couch from Mobler Furniture, although it is not on the online website, this is what it looks like


The back cushions are bigger and thicker, so when you take them off, the couch has room for a single person to sleep on.

Sometimes it’s hard to find the right pieces of furniture, but it’s awesome when you can find what works for you 🙂
Until next time!


Color Palette Monday

Hi everyone 🙂 I hope you all had a great weekend that was filled with laugher, love, and don’t forget some relaxation!

It is Monday, so that means it’s time to see a new color palette. Now last week I forgot to put the actually website of where the color palette came from… HOWEVER I will probably be sharing from the same website because every palette they have are simply beautiful!
You can see for yourself at Design Seeds. But be warned, if you are going to spend time looking at the palettes, make sure you have nothing planned for the rest of the day. I’ve sat down and just browsed for HOURS! (oops) But I’m sure you’ve seen their palettes since they are all over Pinterest-they are AMAZING.

Now let’s get to today, I chose this palette for a Dining Area that I am doing for a school project. Because in my design brief the family wanted to create more of a cozy family eating area, I decided to play with these colors.

I like this palette for this specific room because it has warm tones to make the room more cozy, it has neutrals to tone work with the colors that are in it, and it’s not too bold so you can still work with it later on if there were changes needed.

If you like this palette for any other rooms, where else would you use it? Let me know 🙂 have a lovely Monday!


D.I.Y. Friday

Thank goodness it is Friday, I hope everyone had a great week!

Yesterday while I was getting my new apartment together, I starting thinking about different D.I.Y. projects for my place.  I was thinking of things that we still needed, but would be fun to make on my own.  So first I decided I wanted to make my own coasters.  Because I am tight on money at the moment, it made more sense to do the smaller project for now and then do the bigger projects when I can.  And of course I want to share them with you!

The coasters that I want to make are these clay coasters.  I saw them on Pinterest and I just had to do them.  On Something Peach, she shows you a step by step tutorial on how to get beautiful coasters.  I will be trying it her way this weekend, and I’m sure they will be fabulous.7a15b30363ee0ba32a53dbc5e07a74be 

But to give it my own flare, I am going to buy some gold paint and paint the outside of it.  I saw these Agate coasters and I loved the way they looked so I want to put that gold touch together with the clay coasters.  

coaster_agate_b_gI’m going to get my supplies today, and I’ll let you know how it goes!  If you decide to try it out, I would love to see how yours turn out 🙂  Have an amazing weekend everyone, and don’t forget to smile!



___________ Thursday

Hi everybody! So sorry I didn’t have time to post today, I have been getting my new place together, (well mostly the living area) my boyfriend and I were putting furniture together, and we had to do a few pieces twice.. Okay some three times, shh.

Our place is coming together great though! The main focal point is the new yellow chair that we bought from Ikea today (Ekero Armchair in Skiftebo Yellow )

Here’s what our place looks like so far 🙂

(View above from the kitchen)

(View from the balcony entrance)

I’m thinking of also using blue for an accent color! I’ll keep you updated on new things we put in 🙂


Inspiration Wedneaday

On Wednesday we wear pink.
But it is also the day where I post about interior designs that inspire me. I will talk about things that I like, changes I would make myself, or anything that I think is worth seeing (this means there could be more than one post on Wednesdays-hope you don’t mind 🙂 ).

Today in particular, I have some stairs that I found that I thought was worth sharing with you.


I love the idea of using light as the railing, however there are codes and to put these beautiful stairs to code there needs to be a real railing.

What I came up with to modify the stairs is to put in a glass wall and add in a thin railing just under where the light will shine through. The glass wall will be there for safety and add a touch of class to the stairs.

(Don’t mind my quick sketch that I drew in the car! Just wanted to give you an idea of what I was thinking of in my head!)

What do you think? Don’t be afraid to comment your ideas, I would love to hear from you 🙂


Tips & Tricks Tuesday


Archway Mirror ($78.00)-Anthropology

Let’s talk about mirrors.  Mirror’s are our friends when it comes to our homes.  There are two very amazing ways mirrors are great to have in any home.

Reason numero uno (yes I can speak Spanish 😉 )

If you place larger mirrors in any space, it will give the illusion that the room is bigger than it actually is.  So adding a nice large mirror to a small room will add a nice touch to the space.

big mirror


Reason numero dos

When you have mirrors in any room that has lights, the lights will reflect light to brighten up the room.  It is an easy way to create light if there is no main light source.  For example in many apartments there are no main lights in the bedrooms.  If you got lamps or smaller lamps and added a mirror behind it, the light will spread throughout the room.


mirror behind lamp

And it never hurts to get mirror with a beautiful frame 🙂



Color Palette Monday


“Very calming, I like having my room be relaxing because school is so stressful”

Today one of my girlfriend’s asked me to help her with a color palette for her new bedroom. She wanted to have calm colors to go with her dark beige walls (color #3 in the palette).

I came across this palette on Pinterest (the holy grail of pretty much EVERYTHING)
and thought it would fit perfectly with what she wanted. The lighter colors in the palette give the space the pop of color that she wanted, without being too bold and have more of a cooler tone to make them calm for her bedroom.

If you are looking for those calm colors, here’s an idea for you!

Have a fantastic Monday 🙂


Hello Everyone!

My name is Lisa and I am an Interior Designer.

Well, I can’t exactly claim that title technically, but I’m almost there with two and a half semesters left of school.  I’ve done a mix of doing residential and commercial, but residential is where my passion lies.  

I want to share with you, the things I love with home design, the tricks I have learned, the D.Y.I. projects, and much more. I would just like to show you what I love to do.

I hope you enjoy

